New Services

EOSC Core Innovation Sandbox

Target Group: Content and Service Providers

The EOSC Core Innovation Sandbox will be a comprehensive testbed equipped with advanced automation tools designed for the testing and validation of EOSC services. It serves two primary purposes: prototyping enhanced and new EOSC Core services, and allowing providers to validate their integration with the EOSC before deploying services into production.

EOSC Core Innovation Sandbox

Key Features:

  • Multi-Environment Hosting: The Innovation Sandbox will host three distinct versions of the EOSC Core Services:
    1. Development: For individual Core providers to test their own developments.
    2. Integration: To test and validate the capabilities of the entire EOSC Platform.
    3. Pre-production: An environment that includes new capabilities delivered by the project, simulating the production environment.
  • Distributed Infrastructure: Each Core provider deploys instances of their services for the Sandbox on their premises, mirroring the setup of the production EOSC Core services.
  • Governed Access: Processes and procedures are in place to manage service provider access to the Innovation Sandbox, ensuring a structured and secure environment.
  • Automated Integration: The integration of EOSC Exchange services with the EOSC Core Infrastructure will be increasingly automated throughout the project, utilising EOSC Core adapters from the EOSC Integration Suite.

Access and Use:

The first release of the Sandbox will be up and running by the end of July 2024. The Innovation Sandbox will gradually open to other providers and initiatives interested in integrating with EOSC. The Sandbox will also facilitate the deployment and validation of the EOSC Node network through project pilots, showcasing and demonstrating new capabilities as they are implemented.



July 2024

EOSC Core Innovation Sandbox ready for core providers


March 2025

EOSC Core Innovation Sandbox ready for the first set of external providers


March 2026

EOSC Core Innovation Sandbox ready for the second set of external providers