A network of European organisations is organising this workshop in New York (USA) on September 26 2024, as part of the Science Summit 2024 (UNGA79) activities. This network represents active communities from the biodiversity, ecology, and engineering domains and aims to strengthen science, technology, and innovation efforts to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
With their combined expertise and through European initiatives such as the European Research Infrastructures, the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), the Digital Twin projects, and academic publishers these communities select the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework as a testbed to strategically contribute to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. The focus is on the emerging properties they present as a network rather than as individual organisations, projects or initiatives.
The agenda consists of is prepared in two parts: one in the morning, in which the members of the network present their views on their collective contribution to the implementation of the UN SDGs, and one in the afternoon where international and regional stakeholders present their expectations from the participating science and technology organisations on the above topic.
Finally, these communities will issue an open call to forge an international alliance to further integrate biodiversity conservation into the priorities of the UN Summit of the Future agenda priorities and the post-SDG agenda.
Montserrat González (EGI Foundation), EOSC Beyond Innovation Manager, presents the project in the session.
Online joiners can register for free and have the possibility to follow the live stream of the event, which will take place on the Rooftop of the Science Summit venue.
Read the conference abstract here.