Updated 12/12/2024

Concept Paper on EOSC Federation Resonates Across the Community

EOSC Federation concept paper Zenodo

The EOSC Federation: Architecture and Federating Capabilities concept paper, published on 16 October 2024 by the EOSC Beyond project, has achieved a significant milestone with over 1,000 downloads on Zenodo. Authored by Diego Scardaci (EGI Foundation), Mark Dietrich (EGI Foundation), and Paolo Manghi (OpenAIRE), the document showcases the collaborative efforts of the EOSC Beyond Technical Coordination Board. It presents an innovative vision for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) as a Federation of Nodes.

A Foundation for Collaborative Innovation

The paper explores the concept of Federating Capabilities, outlining how a network of EOSC Nodes can collaboratively deliver services and resources to researchers across Europe. 

It proposes a detailed interaction model that lays the groundwork for the EOSC Federation Architecture while addressing the evolving needs of the scientific and research community. The document sets the stage for advancing the next generation of EOSC services by defining key elements essential to operationalising Federating Capabilities.

Engaging the Community

Since its release, the concept paper has sparked productive discussions with stakeholders across the Open Science ecosystem. Engagement activities have included focused conversations during the EOSC Symposium 2024 in Berlin and a dedicated presentation to the European Commission in November. These interactions have provided valuable insights and feedback, ensuring the proposed model aligns with the community’s priorities and expectations.

In addition, the concept paper has significantly influenced the current draft of the EOSC Federation Handbook, now under review by the EOSC Tripartite Group. Experts from academia, Research Infrastructures, e-Infrastructures, and other key communities have drawn on the paper’s main ideas to shape the Handbook. They have thoroughly discussed, reviewed, and refined the EOSC Federation Architecture outlined in the EOSC Beyond paper, embedding its core concepts into the draft.

“There is a clear need to better define how the Nodes of the EOSC Federation should interact to create tangible added value for European researchers,” said Diego Scardaci, Technical Solution Team Lead at the EGI Foundation. “The concept paper represents a vital step toward addressing this gap. It offers clear definitions and proposes a practical working model for the EOSC Federation. However, this is just the beginning. Our focus now is on sharing our work with the broader EOSC community—including research communities, the EOSC Association, the European Commission, and member states—to gather feedback and produce an enhanced model enriched by expert advice.”

The feedback collected through the recently closed community survey, along with input from these discussions, will inform the next iteration of the paper. This updated version, expected in Q2 2025, will refine and expand on the model, incorporating collective insights and fostering greater consensus among stakeholders.

A Collective Vision

The success of the concept paper underscores the essential role of collaboration in shaping the future of the technical structure of the EOSC Federation. Its broad reception and the active involvement of the EOSC community reflect a shared commitment to driving innovation and fostering a sustainable, interconnected research environment. The journey toward an improved, community-endorsed version of the paper will continue, emphasising the strength of collective effort in realising the vision of Open Science.